Thursday, March 8, 2007

For Woman!!!!

Nina Simone- Four Women

For woman!!!

I am a woman that is light inside, filled with joy and pride.

I am a woman as graceful as a butterfly, as woman my love is always there.

Por la mujer!!! Para que un día se piense como una, y no solo como parte de otra!!

Por las mujeres que luchan día a día con la indiferencia!!

Por las mujeres estrellas norte del hogar!!

Por las mujeres mentes articulados del mundo!!!

Mujer Valiente !! Te liberas, una y otra vez!!!


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Civil War!!!! No more war!!!

By Guns N' Roses

Play for fun!!! I wanna ROCK!!!!!

Evil nights !!!

Estrategia en el pueblo

Tactics 100


Marcela Devia & Carlos Rodriguez

My photo
This project has the intention to share our culture through the voices of people all over the world.